The Benefits of Regenerative Farming

The Benefits of Regenerative Farming

Regenerative farming is an agricultural practice that seeks to restore and maintain the fertility of the soil, while also creating a more resilient and sustainable ecosystem. This practice is becoming increasingly popular among farmers due to its myriad benefits, which include improved yields, reduced need for synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, improved water retention, and the creation of healthier soil and biodiverse habitats. In addition, regenerative farming has been shown to sequester carbon and reduce the impacts of climate change.

At Well Rooted Farms of Bend, Oregon, we owe our entire livelihood to the practice of regenerative farming. We raise real beef, chicken, and more — using regenerative farming practices that sustain and nurture the soil. Over our 20-year history, we’ve had time to appreciate the value of regenerative farm techniques, and as this method of agriculture becomes more and more popular across the country, we’re proud to espouse its benefits. Read on to learn more, or read our story on our website.

Improved Soil Fertility: 

Regenerative farming seeks to improve soil fertility through a combination of techniques, such as no-till farming, cover cropping, and the use of compost, mulch, and animal manures. These practices help to add organic matter to the soil, which improves its structure and water-holding capacity, while also promoting the growth of beneficial microbes. This improves the overall health of the soil and allows for better nutrient uptake by plants.

Increased Yields: 

By improving the fertility of the soil, regenerative farming allows for increased yields. This is due to the fact that plants are able to absorb more nutrients from the soil, resulting in healthier, more productive plants.

Reduced Use of Synthetic Fertilizers and Pesticides:

Fertile soil has a myriad of benefits; it doesn’t just look healthy or grow exceptional produce, farmers are also able to reduce their use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. This helps to reduce the environmental impacts of these chemicals, while also reducing costs for farmers.

Improved Water Retention 

Regenerative farming practices, such as cover cropping and no-till farming, can help to improve the soil’s water-holding capacity, reducing the need for irrigation. This helps to conserve water and prevent runoff, which can be damaging to nearby ecosystems.

Carbon Sequestration

Regenerative farming has been shown to sequester carbon in the soil, helping to reduce the impacts of climate change. This is due to the fact that, when soil organic matter is increased, it can absorb more carbon from the atmosphere.

Regenerative farming is a powerful agricultural practice that has many benefits that go well beyond what we’ve listed here. If our 20-year history has taught us anything, it’s that regenerative farming is the next step in agriculture — and our products are proof of concept. Shop sustainably raised, organic products from Well Rooted Farms.

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